This was actually the original Ribbonology catalog, and was meant to be a one-off publication–hence the absence of a listed publication date. It was so popular, though, that it became a semiannual publication–the Fall 1920 and Fall 1921 editions are also available to view and download through the site. As far as I know, we don’t have the Spring 1921 edition in the archives–yet.
Continue reading Ribbonology, Spring 1920Category Archives: Vintage Clothing
The “Standard” Work on Cutting, sixth edition, published by the Jno. J. Mitchell company, 1894
The National’s July-August Sale 1917, issued by National Cloak & Suit Co.
Practical Millinery, published by Whittaker & co., 1897
Ribbonology, Fall 1921
Fair warning, some of the pages are out of order in this one. Pages 14/17 are facing each other, and pages 15/16 are facing each other in reverse positions. This is what us archivists call a “hot mess”.
Continue reading Ribbonology, Fall 1921Ribbonology, Fall 1920
Heminway Tie Book No. 2, 1920s
Now to round out the pair, here’s the second of our two Heminway tie books. I’m not entirely sure what year it’s from, but after scouring the Internet and copyright records I’m reasonably sure it’s from between 1920 and 1923–my educated guess is 1922 or 1923, but don’t take that as expert opinion.
Continue reading Heminway Tie Book No. 2, 1920sHeminway Tie Book No. 1, 1920
This is the first of two Heminway Tie Books in our collection. I’m actually attempting to make one of the ties, but boy howdy it’s slow going! Who could’ve ever thought that following a 101-year-old pattern book wouldn’t be the best way to learn to crochet?
Continue reading Heminway Tie Book No. 1, 1920Links To Pages of History of the Newsboy Cap and Flat Cap
The cap that originated sometime before the 20th century but became popular in the early 20th century amongst men and young boys. It was believed to be worn amongst all social classes, mostly middle and lower, but in upper classes, it was worn by wealthy golfers, drivers, and people for leisure activities like sports.

Magic Quick Change Cravat-to-Tie, From “The Magazine of Magic” vol. 4, 1916
“The Magazine of Magic” vol. 4, 1916 is a copyright expired how to magazine of the 1910s graciously shared for free download in Google Books. They have also volumes from 1915, 1917, 1920 and 1921. This snippet can be found by searching for “Quick Change” in volume 4.