Tag Archives: Costume Crafts

Pencil and paper Ballerina Dress Tutorial

This is a how to make a Pencil and Paper Ballerina Dress by Ashleigh Marie LaMarre

Here is the link to the tutorial!

These are all the materials you will need to complete this dress:

-Gift wrapping paper, or note book paper, or any type of thin paper

-a large quantity of wooden pencils any color 

-hot glue gun with glue sticks or another type of glue but it may take longer to dry if you use a liquid glue

-a 10-14in zipper that matches the color of your pencils

-a section of fabric that is the measurement of your waist With a little seam allowance

-dressmaker pins 

-a measuring tape


If you like what you see here please check out Ashleigh Marie LaMarre’s online portfolio! Thank you!


Costume Crafts AT 50 Below: The Fairbanks Non-Toxic Crafts Cookbook

(This article originally appeared in Theatre Design and Technology in 1994.)

CostumeCraftsAt30Below (PDF)

The best way to avoid damage from toxic materials in the work place is not to buy gloves that you never wear, nor to use respirators that never get their filters changed, nor to complain about the lack of proper spray booth that “the administration” will never pay to install anyway. The best away is to avoid using toxic products in the first place. You can prevent problems by getting into to habit of buying and using alternative non toxic products and by refusing to use dangerous materials when safe ones are available.

Continue reading Costume Crafts AT 50 Below: The Fairbanks Non-Toxic Crafts Cookbook