All posts by Ashleigh LaMarre

Pencil and paper Ballerina Dress Tutorial

This is a how to make a Pencil and Paper Ballerina Dress by Ashleigh Marie LaMarre

Here is the link to the tutorial!

These are all the materials you will need to complete this dress:

-Gift wrapping paper, or note book paper, or any type of thin paper

-a large quantity of wooden pencils any color 

-hot glue gun with glue sticks or another type of glue but it may take longer to dry if you use a liquid glue

-a 10-14in zipper that matches the color of your pencils

-a section of fabric that is the measurement of your waist With a little seam allowance

-dressmaker pins 

-a measuring tape


If you like what you see here please check out Ashleigh Marie LaMarre’s online portfolio! Thank you!