Tara Maginnis Funny Faces 1

There is Nothing Wrong with Your Face!

[NOTE: This is how (after I go over the syllabus info) I begin teaching my stage makeup class at Diablo Valley College. Given that many theatrical makeup teachers are likely still in meltdown mode trying to work out before Fall 2020 how to stick an entire semester of makeup class online, I thought I’d post what I am constructing on Canvas (the online class course ware we use in the California Community College system) in case they’ want to copy and paste parts (or all) of this into their classes. (If you use Canvas you will be able to import it from Canvas Commons ).]

There Is Nothing Wrong With Your Face!

Watch this video where I explain the whole theme of the class in the weirdest way possible:

Grab a mirror and start making faces.  Don’t be shy, go for it!:

Then watch this video and start to feel your face to find the bony bits:

So, now, feel your face, and the bones and muscles as you move your face. Find the indent near the back of your jaws, find the subtle ins and outs of your forehead, the edges of your eye sockets. Feel the bone and cartilage of your nose and the location of your brow ridge in relation to your eyebrows. In the next few days, whenever you feel tense, pull out a mirror, flex and massage your face and start looking at the interesting component parts. It is relaxing, and will help you in the coming weeks!

Go on to Page 2 Photograph Your Funny Faces!